
We believe that God loves marriage and God designed marriage to be between a man, a woman and God. If you are currently considering divorce, we believe that God can heal your marriage. No matter how difficult your marriage may be, we want you to know that there is still hope.

Our heart for you is to hear what God has to say about your marriage. The clearest statement about divorce can be found in the book of Malachi, “Has not the Lord made them one? In the flesh, they are His… so guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. ‘I hate divorce,’ says the Lord God of Israel.” (Malachi 2:15–16) Understand that God doesn’t hate people who are divorced, but He hates the act of divorce, because it ultimately hurts so many people that He loves.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your marriage, God intends that marriage be permanent. Divorce was not part of His original plan, and He does not desire it to be an option
for Christians.

Fighting for your marriage should always be your first step, and we want to help you. We have couples who can meet with you to talk over the difficulties you are experiencing. They can help you discuss solutions, other than divorce, that may resolve these issues. God has saved many marriages from the brink of destruction. If your marriage is in trouble, He wants to save yours, too.

If abuse is involved (either toward you or your children), separation for protection might be a necessary next step until your spouse becomes repentant and changes. We recommend safety first for you and your children, as well as counseling for the offending spouse. Separation with the intent of reconciliation is okay for a season to maintain safety.

Restoration is possible. If you will seek God’s wisdom to reveal what needs to change in your life, and if you will communicate and pursue the changes you can make, God can bring newness to the marriage that you never before thought of or imagined. (James 1:5)

He can also do this in your spouse’s life when you pray for them. All things are possible through Jesus Christ, including restoration of broken individuals and restoration of broken marriages. (Philippians 4:13) There is hope for every marriage through the grace, forgiveness and power that Jesus provides.

Helpful Scriptures

  • Mark 10:6–9
  • I Corinthians 6:12–13
  • Matthew 19:9
  • Ezekiel 18:21
  • Psalm 38:17–18