God’s Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions

God’s Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions

Session 1_ “How Can I Cope with Stress”


3 Keys to Stress Management.  Matthew 11:28-30, NIV

1.    The first thing you have to do is come to Jesus for rest.

·      Rest for our souls—deeper kind of fatigue then physical fatigue.

·      Our greatest problem is an overloaded mind, spirit, and emotions.

·      The antidote for an overloaded soul is a Person –JESUS.  Isaiah 40:29, 31, NIV

2.    The second thing you have to do is take up His yoke.

·      A yoke is symbol of partnership—It lightens our load. Psalms 55:22, NIV

·      A yoke is a symbol of control—Give up control lightens the load.

·      When you wearing a yoke you are controlled by the Master—you move together in the same direction and at the same pace.  Galatians 5:25, NIV; Romans 3:28, NIV

·      Are you setting the pace, following your own agenda or are you allowing God to set the pace and agenda?  God needs to be your Pacesetter.

3.    The third thing you have to do is learn to trustMatthew 11:29, NIV

·      Study how Jesus lived—do as he did!

·      Habits of a worried and hurried life style didn’t develop over night—you will not get over it over night—You will have to relearn some things.

·      Jesus secret to Peace—He only did what the Father told Him to do.

·      Humble Obedience to the Father—don’t have to understand all He tells me to do just do it! —Live for an audience of ONE!


         Come to Jesus

         Give up Control

         Learn to Trust and Follow the Model of Jesus